
| DMB |

Every summer we trek down to West Palm Beach for a fun weekend of beach, friends, &
Dave Matthews! I look forward to this trip every summer
(partly bc we get tickets many months beforehand!).
Started off by soaking in some rays at Juno beach :)

Check out the gorgeous sky as we headed in the concert!

Group shot!
Girls shot :)
The set list was incredible. 'Cortez the Killer' was amazing by guest guitarist, Warren Hayes. Apparently the song hasn't been played since 2005 in Central Park! Check out the song recorded by our friends on Studio222Photography
The fun walk back to the car.
Sad DMB won't be touring next year. We had a blast this weekend!


  1. Great photos! It seems like you guys had an awesome time :)

  2. i love your dress sonja!! looks like you had a fun time.. w/ the dark and stormy and liquor! ;) the sky was beautiful!

    btw, it was soooooo great meeting up with you earlier this week, i had soo much fun eating and gossiping with you! :)

  3. GORGEOUS picture of the sky & DMB is my FAVVVV :-)
